COVID-19 Update


(Fairfield, CA) - As COVID-19 pandemic impacts becomes more pronounced in our region, state and across the country, an update from CHOC's Corporate Office.

Corporate Offices

Corporate office employees will continue to work remotely at home until further notice. Any onsite work is limited to an as-needed basis and coordinated through CHOC Human Resources.

CHOC continues to closely monitor information and follow recommendations from Governor Newsom's office, as well as all COVID-19 information and guidance provided by the CDC.

The CDC has provided strategies for businesses and employers to plan and respond to the disease that we are actively following:

1) Strongly encourage employees who have symptoms of acute respiratory illness to stay home and not come to work until they are free of fever (100.4°F [37.8° C]), signs of a fever, and any other symptoms for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines (e.g. cough suppressants). Employees should notify their supervisor and stay home if they are sick

2) Strongly encourage employees to follow respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene

3) Require disclosure by any employee who has tested positive for COVID-19 or has come in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19

4) Perform routine environmental cleaning; on-site teams to adjust cleaning schedules so that all common areas and items of common contact are cleaned frequently with disinfecting products

5) Advise employees before traveling to take certain steps according to the CDC website on travel guidance/restrictions

CHOC's COVID-19 diagnosis protocol for employees remains in place, Human Resources ready to assist with all necessary actions, including contacting local and federal health authorities. All other response measures will vary, depending on the severity of the outbreak and guidance from the aforementioned health officials.

Response plan options include, but are not limited to:

1) Immediately contact applicable health authorities

2) Possible community quarantine measures

3) Possible office closures

4) Possible remote work and/or modification of schedules

5) Communication to relevant parties (residents, associates and clients)

6) Travel guidance/restrictions

7) Additional cleaning measures in high-traffic/common areas

CHOC will continue monitoring all latest COVID-19 information, as well as tailoring our response strategy to meet changing conditions, as required.

Youth and Family Services

Youth and Family Services staff are assisting CHOC residents by phone, email or appointment. CHOC residents are advised to avoid all meetings and/or gatherings of any kind.

Youth and Family Services staff continue to advise that all CHOC residents follow municipal, regional and state stay at home directives; all property community rooms are closed indefinitely and all group activities are cancelled.

Youth and Family Services staff is also working with residents across its portfolio of properties, advising on available rental assistance programs in the tri-counties region.

Youth and Family Services staff also continue to work with food banks across the tri-counties region; families have been linked to food resources from Yolo Food Bank and Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services Partners, receiving food weekly/bi-weekly and monthly. Many are seniors living in Yolo County, who are having food delivered to their doorstep weekly by CHOC staff, in partnership with Yolo Food Bank. Staff also continue to deliver a monthly food box to 200+ households in Yolo County via the EFAP Program/Partnership with Yolo Food Bank.

Property Management

Until further notice, all property management offices are closed but open by appointment. Limited staff will perform essential duties across the CHOC portfolio of communities (availability and appointment times may vary).

Property staff will continue to clean and disinfect all public areas such as laundry rooms, lobbies, offices, bathrooms, mailboxes, stairwells, hallways, etc.

All CHOC residents have been provided with COVID-19 safety guidelines published by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Regular CHOC COVID-19 updates will be published here.

Thank you, please stay safe.

CHOC Corporate Communications