CHOC Energy
CHOC Energy promotes energy efficiency and energy conservation programs in Northern California and operates the Energy Savings Assistance Program (ESAP). CHOC Energy serves low-income households in five (5) counties: Contra Costa, Napa, Sacramento, Solano and Yolo. Annually, CHOC Energy weatherizes over 5,000 homes and produces over 40 living wage jobs.
Energy Savings Assistance Program
CHOC offers free weatherization services to all eligible customers (both homeowners and renters) in Alameda, Contra Costa, Napa, Sacramento, Solano and Yolo counties. Weatherization may include: caulking, weatherstripping, faucet aerators, shower-heads, compact fluorescent lights, minor home repairs, microwaves, and refrigerator replacement.
Gross income for your household must not exceed the income guidelines below. Your home cannot have been treated under the program unless prior to 1999. The income qualifications in the chart below will be updated annually.
How to Work with CHOC Energy
If you would like to receive our free energy saving services, please check to see if you qualify using the table above, and fill out the application below. The online application will automatically be emailed to us; the printable application must be printed and mailed.
Once your eligibility is confirmed, CHOC Energy will call you to set up an appointment.
CHOC Energy Specialists will request proof of income, which may include: check stubs, bank statements, social security, or other documents. If you or a household member can provide proof of participation in one of the following state or federal public assistance programs, additional income documentation is not required: Medi-Cal, food stamps, TANF, LIHEAP, National School Lunch Program, Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance, Head Start Income Eligible (Tribal Only), and Healthy Families (Categories A and B).
Once we have determined your eligibility, a CHOC Energy Call Center Representative will call you to set up an appointment. One of our Energy Specialists will then visit your home, and complete a pre-assessment to see what energy saving measures can be installed. We will then schedule a follow-up appointment to install these energy saving measures.